Monday, 2 February 2015

Three steps to attract Abundance

“Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn’t have it in the beginning.” Mahatma Gandhi.

The first step : Have Faith (the first step to manifestation).
 If you cannot have faith that something is going to happen, then it won’t. For me at that moment faith was accepting that there was a path to a new career. This path had to have a new focus, and along with that came the faith that what I needed to do would present itself to me. So I said out loud, “Ok God, bring on the guidance.” Once you have faith you can create any path, and you don’t have to do it alone. Manifesting guidance was what I wanted to do. Now I just had to figure out how to do that. You do not always have to hit the wall to turn around; sometimes it is done for you. Manifestation becomes the reflection of what your true inner soul desire is calling out for. They say, ‘be careful what you ask for’ and I knew that my soul wanted to escape the confines of the cubicle and move out into the world. My first ‘aha’ moment was from one of Oprah’s episodes about making lists. That was it, writing my list of what I wanted in my life! Quickly and clearly I listed what I wanted, with a little note on the bottom that said “I am willing to accept what may come without looking for perfection, Amen.”

1. I want out of my job.
2. I want to work as a psychic medium. 
3. I want a new car.
 4. Another ‘want’ and so on… The next morning (#1 & #2.) I was relieved of my position for being too perceptive and too friendly with the clients and their needs. They felt that I was always two steps ahead of the process and that was in turn confusing the clients.
 Really? I was fired for being intuitive and nice?! There was no way to deny that I was being shown the power of manifesting my life into the direction I requested. It was my actions that lead me to be let go from a job for doing what I wanted to do in the first place. I just smiled and laughed at myself! Was it possible? Manifestation was something I had disregarded for so long and now I was about to dive into the reality of purposeful attraction.
Step 2: Acknowledge.

I drove home that day with thankful prayers on my lips for being released of that cubicle area. I could no longer deny that with faith and conscious direction toward a goal, manifestation can occur. I had no other option than to acknowledge that it had really happened.
In order to accept it as a manifested sign, I had to first acknowledge that it happened and was purposeful. I can say it was life changing for sure – without a 9-5 in my way I was ready to face my gifts and abilities as a psychic medium and present them to my outside world. My deep belief was that God does not ask you to do anything that you are not already ready to do. Of course I also realized that I needed to adjust my manifestation list right away.

Step 3: Acceptance. 

 Truthfully, accepting and defining who I was to myself was harder than conveying that identity to the outside world. I started to regain the connections to the metaphysical community. I was able to see that there were great opportunities and there was nothing to stop me, except myself! There was no easy road that I could see yet, but there was that desire for perseverance. All I could hear was ‘get organized’, ‘make a list’, and ‘set a goal’. These were all concepts I had done before yet I still had doubt. I was jealous of those who were doing the work I wanted to do and I felt judgmental. Once I got honest with myself though, I realized that this was a clear reflection of my fear: 
I was afraid to succeed.

Instead I was embracing my refusal to acknowledge and accept that I could do whatever I set my heart and mind to do. I had learned from many that you need to have the business side of things all in order, so there were websites, business cards and flyers put in place. But I still felt unguided. Then I remembered a mantra I was brought up with. “God helps those who help themselves.” Ben Franklin.

Excerpts from the book  :  Simpson, Sean Patrick; Prout, Sarah (2011-10-31). Adventures in Manifesting: Success and Spirituality

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