Friday, 30 January 2015

Attract anything to your life by the power of Gratitude.

Attract anything to your life by the power of Gratitude.
"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance." -Eckhart Tolle

One of the greatest  Gurus and Philanthropists of our times Sathya Sai Baba from India said " If you want to follow one teaching from my life then follow this  "What ever is  happening to me is happening for my own good"
When you are grateful for unwanted conditions that appear in life, you accept them with the faith that somehow they are for your highest good. Acceptance is a prerequisite to change. But also importantly, by your faith that the condition is somehow for your highest good, you become a commanding presence to ensure an outcome that is preferred (you choose either lessons or blessings) --and that outcome of blessing will occur far more quickly than if you resist and are embittered or dissatisfied with the condition. So be grateful for it all--the tight hug is for your highest good, and the pain is there so long as you resist. Engaging gratitude releases the resistance and enables you to move forward with the necessary learning, bringing completion and releasing the need for life to move in on you in that manner.
 An "attitude of gratitude" is recommended by all the teachers of the Law of Attraction. Why is it so important? For one, gratitude can put you in the vibration of your desires fulfilled. Gratitude brings completion to cycles; when you are grateful 'in advance', you are feeling and responding to the completed manifestation cycle at a level of knowing. In other words, you are energetically in the fulfillment of your desired manifestations. The subconscious mind makes no distinction between what is real and what is imagined--its conviction comes from your emotional energy, based on intensity and frequency of those emotional states. With an attitude of gratitude, you repeatedly energize the emotional states of your manifested desires, and your subconscious mind will get working on matching your outer reality with your inner state of being. If you are trying to magnetize abundance, for example, then being grateful for all your abundant blessings puts you in the fulfillment energies of abundance, which is the perfect attractor energy for increased abundance.

 But gratitude works in many varied ways. For example, being grateful for what is, including all your areas of lack or dysfunction, empowers you as an attractor force further. But how can you be grateful for your lack and dysfunction? And won't that attract more lack or dysfunction? No it won't--not if you're grateful for what the lack is revealing to you. If you can feel grateful for the lack because it helps you to appreciate the sense of abundance, which is what you desire more of, then you've managed to be grateful for the full spectrum of experience.
I loved this real life story about how Gratitude can change your life

When you can be grateful for the things you don't like, you speed up the learning and hence, the need for those things in your life. "You cannot leave a situation permanently unless you appreciate the gifts it brings you, and all situations bring a gift, no matter how terrible the situation may appear to be."In the case of lack, the gift may be the conscious appreciation of abundance and ease, which is necessary for sustaining it in life.
Life as God's Love in Action
Gratitude releases our blocks from their locked-in positions, speeds up full learning, and gives back to the universe to maintain balance and harmony, and the universe in turn responds with the joy of greater giving. But these are its effects. The essence of gratitude is love, and the highest form of gratitude is unconditional love.
If you're not sure what unconditional love feels like, try being grateful for all that is in your life that you tend to grateful for all those in your life who trigger you into less-than-love grateful for all past experiences that caused you grateful for all present conditions you'd rather not experience. Apply the principles discussed above, in which gratitude completes the spectrum of experience and thus the cycle of learning. Be grateful for the contrast and the resistance, for in letting go of the resistance, you gain conscious awareness and greater freedom to access, by will, the good end of the spectrum. In doing this, you will feel your heart expanding and will begin to glimpse unconditional love, and the state of being love in life. Furthermore, gratitude brings wholeness, which confers healing. As gratitude opens the heart--which is the province of miracles--, the effects of developing an attitude of gratitude in life are far-reaching.

Many people wonder how to operate from love in life, and the answer is by way of gratitude. Gratitude is the energy that connects us to the love that we are. Gratitude is love; gratitude for everything is unconditional love. Gratitude is the surest way to merge with the source of creation and to wield its power.
There is no energy or healing process that is more powerful than the application of gratitude, for gratitude is love. As a force of unconditional love, gratitude will activate the hidden workings of the cause and effect of love that operate in the universe, which is expressed in life as being in the grace of God. This force is separate from the usual cause and effect of effort and operates at a higher level of Intelligence referred to as the Holy Center of existence.5 In addition, as Wattles points out, faith is born of gratitude. Faith increases the more we dwell in the love that we are. Faith brings you deeper into the fulfilment energies of what you desire, which confers complete certainty that allows you to surrender the how-to of life and flow in divine guidance and synchronicity. All three energies generate a connection to life that is teeming with vitality and passion, and with passion, you are easily spurred to take bold action when opportunities appear.
Manifestation is an interactive dance with the Creator, and at each step there must be an exchange of energies in order to remain in balance and harmony with the laws of creation. That exchange is powerfully achieved in continuous gratitude.

If you will ponder on the power of gratitude, you will certainly understand the importance of nurturing a habit of gratitude. Not only does it aligns you to attract your god-given resources and dissolves all the blocks to receiving them, but it also restores your wholeness so that you operate from greater personal power. Gratitude is the keystone of manifestation; gratitude brings you closer to the source so that you can easily imprint your desires on the formless Substance, and it begets faith, which keeps you in a vibrational match to your desires. What you do towards increasing a grateful mind will have the largest repercussions for you in manifesting your dreams.

References :

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Trust - The secret of Success in any relationship. This is powerful.


“To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.”
George MacDonald

Do you want to close a sale with your client
Do you want a promotion from your boss.
Do you want love from your someone ?

Then the most important thing you need is TRUST.

You need to win the trust of your client, that you will deliver.
You need to win the trust of your boss that you can operate in the next level.
You need to win the trust of your partner of he or she to give you his/her heart.

How do we build trust?

The basic elements of trustworthiness are contained in the Trust Equation. 
Simply stated, the level of trust between you (the trustee) and your client (the truster) is defined by the sum of credibility, reliability, and intimacy divided by your self-orientation.

I think it is important to note that client does not exclusively mean business. A client can be a friend, family member, student, boss, direct report, or any other person you enter into a trust relationship with

T stands for trustworthiness—how much the buyer/client trusts the seller, or consultant.

C (Words)  stands for credibility—Content expertise and presence (how we look, act, react, etc.) This is the most common trust factor. Most people get this one right.

R (Actions) is reliability—how others perceive the consistency of our actions, and our actions’ connection with our words (integrity).  Its also the unity of thought words and deeds. Increasing reliability takes time. People tend to trust those who they have interacted with regularly.

I (Emotions)is intimacy—how secure or safe the client feels sharing with us.

The lone term in the denominator is Self-Orientation, and it has a double meaning. Partly it’s about selfishness. Are we client-centric for the sake of the client? Or client-centric like a vulture?
But Self-orientation is also about our attention, our focus. Are we listening to do a brain-suck, just to get data to pursue our own hypotheses and ends? Or are we listening to truly hear the client? Are we obsessed by our own desires to succeed or win, and by our insecurities? Or do we truly focus on the client, paying attention to whatever it is that helps them succeed, or makes them insecure? Only the latter builds deep, long-term relationships.

High numerator scores build trust: a high score in self-orientation destroys it. Further, the 3:1 ratio of factors below and above the line is intentional; self-orientation is the strongest factor.
Most of us lead with the first two factors—credibility and reliability. These are quantifiable, and “rational.” Consultants overrate these as the “obvious” virtues—so do clients. Clients aren’t comfortable “confessing” that they have feelings, intuitions, instincts and chemistry. They don’t want to reject someone based on “we just didn’t have a good feeling for you.”
But most humans—including clients—buy from the heart, and justify it from the head. That means the Intimacy and the Self-Orientation factors are very powerful in buying.

Rational thinking (including C and R) are about defining benefits and payoffs. But any expected value must be discounted by the client’s confidence that they’ll get the results promised. The I and S factors speak to this. Can I collaborate and be honest with this person—and he with me? Does she actually care about me and my company, or are we just means to her ends? The I and S factors in the trust equation represent the “Kentucky windage” that every client applies to their estimation of stated benefits, to get their true net expected value.

What struck me most about the relationship between the variables in the Trust Equation is how heavily weighted self-orientation is. For every marginal increase in self-orientation that occurs in a relationship, you have to work that much harder to re-build trust. Conversely, focusing on others first is the single most effective way to increase trust. This is powerful.

You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. -Dale Carnegie

Reference : The Trusted Adviser.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Meditate to lead a Life of Abundance, Fulfillment and Happiness.

Meditate to lead a Life of Abundance, Fulfillment and Happiness.

The Power of Meditation

People are endowed with unlimited powers. Not a single person is without them! But the road is missed  when one is unaware of this truth. To gain awareness of this power, one must practice meditation. The mind flies at a tangent all the time. Meditation (dhyana) is the process by which it is trained to acquire concentration.
To lead a happy and abundant life, man needs peace of mind. The mind is like the turbulent river. It has to be restrained by the use of brakes, as in a fast-moving vehicle. Meditation is the brake devised for the control of the mind. Meditation means one-pointed concentration. All the diseases, which afflict man, are the result of agitations in the mind. The enormous growth of disease in the world, today, is due to the loss of peace of mind. To get rid of illness and to lead a calm, healthy life, man has to cultivate mental peace.

What is Meditation

The process of merging the mind in Divinity (all Power), oblivious of the world, is described as ‘Dhyana or Meditation’.

Most effective method of meditation. 

Meditation on the light ( Jyoti Meditation) is the most effective technique of the various techniques in meditation.

Jyoti Meditation Have a lamp or a candle with an open flame, steady and straight, before you. Sit in the padmasana (lotus posture) or any other comfortable posture in front of the candle. Look at the flame steadily for sometime and, closing your eyes, try to feel the flame inside you, between your eyebrows. Let it slide down into the lotus of your heart, illumining the path. When it enters the heart, imagine that the petals of the lotus open up one by one, bathing every thought, feeling, and emotion in the light and so, removing darkness from them. There is no space for darkness to hide. The light of the flame.becomes wider and brighter. Let it pervade your limbs. Now, those limbs can never more deal in dark, suspicious, and wicked activities; they have become instruments of light and love. As the light reaches up to the tongue, falsehood vanishes from it. Let it rise up to the eyes and the ears and destroy all the dark desires that infest them, leading you to view perverse sights and engage in puerile conversation.
Let your head be surcharged with light and let all wicked thoughts flee therefrom. Imagine that the light is present in you more and more intensely. Let it shine all around you and let it spread from you, in ever widening circles, taking in your loved ones, your kith and kin, your friends and companions, your enemies and rivals, strangers, all living beings, and the entire world. Since the light illumines all the senses everyday, so deeply and so systematically, a time will soon come, when you can no more relish dark and evil sights. You will not yearn for dark and sinister tales, crave for base, harmful, deadening toxic food and drink, handle dirty demeaning things, approach places of ill-fame and injury, or frame evil designs against anyone at any time. Stay on in that thrill of witnessing the light everywhere. When you adore God in any form, try to visualise that form in the all-pervasive light. For, Light is God. God is Light.

Fruits of Meditation

Once you meditate regularly, you realize that you are the reservoir of all power.  Your consciousness will change. All abundance is yours. You will experience great bliss.

Reference : Dhyana Vahini - Sri Sathya Sai Baba,

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Daily Journal - The secret habit of successful people that will change your life,

Daily Journal - The secret habit of successful people that will change your life,

"What happens to us is not as important as the meaning we assign to it. Journaling helps sort this out"
Warren Buffet has described writing as a key way of refining his thought.
Richard Branson once said “my most essential possession is a standard-sized school notebook,” which he uses for regular writing.

The Secret of Jerry Seinfeld's success is to write comedy every day.

Have you ever started keeping a journal – perhaps starting on a particular milestone like your birthday, or January 1st – only to give up after a few days or weeks? Like many projects which we’re initially enthusiastic about, writing daily or even weekly in a journal can all too quickly become a chore. After all, what difference can it make to write down words that no-one but you will see?
There are several ways for keeping a journal to change your life, and I’ll show you how to achieve each in just ten minutes a day. Still think it’s not worth it?

1. Your Journal Offers Self-Insight

Do you ever wonder who you really are? Do you have problems which occur again and again – patterns of behaviour that you just can’t break out of? Keeping a journal for an extended period of time lets you learn the truth about yourself: how your motivation waxes and wanes, how many projects you let fizzle out after a brief burst of excitement; what topics you return to again, and again, and again…

Ten-minute exercise:
If you’ve been keeping a journal for a while (even if it’s fallen by the wayside recently), read through some old entries. Do you spot any patterns? Look for strong emotions that occur frequently, such as anger, misery, excitement. You might also take note of recurring problems or difficulties. For example, do entries about lack of sleep coincide with stressful periods such as exams or project deadlines at work?

2. Your Journal Builds the Writing Habit

Are you an aspiring blogger, author, poet, journalist or writer of any description? If you’re making serious attempts at writing, you need to be disciplined about it – no professional writer works just when they’re “in the mood” or when “the muse descends.” Developing the habit of writing regularly (ideally every day) will be a bigger factor in your success than your raw level of writing skill. You will get better if you practice, and your journal is an ideal place to do so – no-one will laugh at clumsy phrases or failed experimental pieces, and you can write about whatever topics inspire you the most.
You can even write about your writing; building the ability to think about how you write will give you insight into your strengths and weaknesses. Being able to explain how and why a piece of your writing worked will let you replicate that achievement in the future.
Ten-minute exercise:
Set aside a period of ten minutes to write a journal entry every day. Even when you don’t think you have anything interesting to say, honour that commitment and write something. Some people are inspired by writing prompts, famous quotations, or simply picking a topic (work, family, health, goals). Even the busiest of us can find ten minutes in the day – set your alarm earlier, if you have to. It’s worth the effort: a hundred and fifty words a day – easily possible in ten minutes – adds up to over fifty thousand words in a year. Once you’ve built up your journaling like this, you’ll find it much easier to work on your other pieces
of writing.

3. Your Journal is a Gift to Your Future Self

journalDid you keep a journal at any point as a child or teenager? If so, and if you still have it, go back and re-read some entries: I guarantee that you’ll have a few great laughs and smiles in doing so. There might be references to incidents you’d previously forgotten, or particularly telling phrases or observations. Keeping a journal today means you can look back in five years, ten years or in old age at what you were thinking about, dreaming of, hoping for … it’s the closest you can get to time-travelling back to meet a past version of yourself.
Ten-minute exercise:
EITHER: Pick up one of your old journals and flick through it. What stands out? Are there incidents described that you’d forgotten? Have your views on a particular issue or topic changed radically?
OR: If you’ve never kept a journal in the past, use a page of your current one to write a letter to yourself in the future. Jot down some thoughts about the main strands of your life – are you happy with your job, your relationships, your health and fitness? Write down where you see yourself in a year, and in five years.

4. Your Journal Holds You Accountable

Many people like to record facts and figures in their journal, especially ones which relate to an important life change. Calories consumed, exercise done, cigarettes not smoked, alcohol units drunk … whatever the nature of your change, your journal can help you to achieve it. Seeing your progress in black and white helps you to carry on when your motivation is at rock-bottom, and for some people, the knowledge that they’ll have to record their failures is enough to keep them on the straight-and-narrow.
Ten-minute exercise:
Pick an area of your life where you want to improve: perhaps you want to get up early every day. For the next week, write down how you did each day – it’ll only take a minute or two, and you’ll be able to see if you progress as the week goes on – or if your enthusiasm quickly peters out.

5. Your Journal Encourages Positive Thinking

When you write in your journal, don’t dwell on things that went wrong. Focus on the positive aspects of your day or week – even when you have to dig hard to find something. It might take a while for you to notice the effect, but you’ll soon be seeing faster change in your life: we tend to move towards what we’re focusing on. Time coach Mark Forster advocates writing a daily “What’s better” list, recording the things which were not just good but better – this is a powerful way to focus on growth.
Ten-minute exercise:
If you’re reading this in the evening, how do you feel your day went? (Morning readers – use yesterday.) Chances are, you can think of lots of frustrations, things that went wrong, things that didn’t get done. Get your journal and write “Things which were good today”. List at least five. They don’t have to be big things – something as simple as “I saw a beautiful sunset” or “I left work on time” are fine. Now how do you feel about your day?

Monday, 26 January 2015

Seven Successful habits of people who stand out.

Seven Successful habits of people who stand out.

Most people are the victims of their own circumstances. What they don't understand is that often their circumstances are a result of the decisions they make. Sometimes bad things do happen to us, and these are things we have no control over. More often what happens to us is the result of the decisions we have made based on what we believe.
So how do you change all that? How do you get rid of limiting beliefs and feelings that no longer serve you? How do you attract positive things into your life? You do this by changing how you think. The problem is, how do you change what you think?
Just as Rome wasn't built in a day, changing what you believe to attract what you want starts one day at a time. The only time you have is now. When tomorrow comes, it will be today. Yesterday is gone, and since we can do nothing to change it, the best thing to do is learn from it, let it go and move on.
Here are five things you can do to help you do just that:

1. Write in your journal daily. They write regularly. Gandhi, Richard Branson, Warren Buffet.

If you don't have a journal, I highly recommend that you begin keeping one. The key here is not to write about what has happened to you. Write about the unresolved feelings you have over the issues in your life. When you do this, then you can let those feelings go. Letting negative feelings go will help you feel better.
I learned that by focusing on the unresolved feelings I had, instead of the people, places and things in my life, I could feel any way I wanted to. It was OK to feel the way I did. By acknowledging my feelings and then feeling them, they couldn't cause me to self sabotage anymore.
I recommend the app "Day one."

2. Meditate daily. They Meditate daily

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to resolve anything. By meditating just 20 minutes per day, you can totally revolutionize your life. The reason is that meditation is calming. It helps you to relax, and it also helps you to stay in the moment.
Much of our stress comes from thinking about things in the past or worrying about future events, things we have no control over or can't change. When we let go of these things and focus on the moment we are in, then we can enjoy the moment and respond to those things we need to take care of now, not worry about things that may never happen.

3. Have Faith in yourself

Henry Ford once said, "If you believe you can, or you believe you can't, you are right." What you believe is absolutely crucial to your success because it will influence the decisions you make.
You will make choices based on how you feel, not based on what is really happening or what is truly reality. You are not your circumstances. If your circumstances are based on your choices, then you can change your circumstances by changing your choices. Believe that you will win and you will.
4. Write goals and plans of action and  use positive affirmations.

To have what you want you must know what you want. This is your starting point. Once you know what you want, then you need to set a goal and then create a plan of action to achieve that goal. Just make sure that your beliefs are in line with what you want. Otherwise you won't be happy with what you get when you get it. Your goals should be SMART.
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time bound

Wrong or negative thinking can be one of the worst things you can engage in. When we're negative and pessimistic, we tend to attract more negative and pessimistic into our lives. Like attracts like.
Affirmations help you develop the right mindset so that you bring these things into your life. The key here is to use repetition. The more you repeat these positive phrases, the more likely they are to sink deep into your subconscious where they take root and become an automatic part of your thinking.

 5. Have Faith in God.

Remember, you are not alone. What ever is happening is for your own good. Let go and let doubts of your minds give way to love. There is a force, and He is with You.

 6. Be Grateful.

  Be grateful for all that you have. There are people in the world who are handicapped. They are people in the world who cannot afford a meal a day. There are people who have lost everything in war.

7.  Prayer : They derive strength through regular prayer.  Gandhi  regularly prayed to derive strength to overcome the British.  If you have ever in your life been faced with a crisis, you know the calm inner self
you have turned to in a flash, which has rewarded you with an answer in an instant. Thats Prayer, Everyone has experienced this power to some degree. It is not so securely locked
away that each human being does not touch it during some period of his life. Yet,
strange to say, the vast majority of humanity shrug it off as perhaps only a fortunate
circumstance, a coincidence, a "piece of good luck.". It is important for you to remember—every day of your life—that the same power that brings you good fortune brings you bad fortune and it does so according to how you
use it. The only reason it brings so little good fortune to the great mass of people is
that they do not know it exists, use it but sparingly, and use it the wrong way.


Wednesday, 21 January 2015

10 Best Quotes from the great book "How To Make One Hell Of A Profit and Still Get In To Heaven" by Dr John DeMartini

10 Best Quotes from one of my favorite book " How To Make One Hell Of A Profit and Still Get In To Heaven"  by Dr John DeMartini

Best Quotes from one of my favorite book  " How To Make One Hell Of A Profit and Still Get In To Heaven"  by Dr John DeMartini,

  1. Few are going to join with you and financially invest in you until you invest in yourself. 
  2. What you believe and what you say to yourself manifests in your life.

  3. One of the great secrets of manifesting prosperity is to simply love and appreciate your life. Heaven and hell are mental states of gratitude and ingratitude respectively.  One of the qualities of the truly wealthy is that they appreciate their wealth. Until you learn to value or appreciate wealth, it won’t remain yours.
  4. You receive in exact proportion to the value you give. Therefore, what you do and what you have definitely say a lot about who you are.
  5. There are four magical feelings that put energy and sizzle into your life: gratitude, love, inspiration, and enthusiasm.
  6. You’re not on this earth just to get by or survive. You’re here to realize your grandest dreams. You have many more magnificent ambitions inside you still left to fulfill, some that are eager to pour forth. The more you’re willing to act on them, the more you become of service to yourself and others, the greater your self-worth, and the more you’ll spontaneously receive what you would love. When you’re more willing to share your talents, inspirations, and gifts with the world, the desired gifts you receive in return will be even more abundant. Likewise, when you’re willing to receive rewards for your efforts, you’ll be less likely to lose heart.
  7.  To sell is not to tell; to sell is to ask, and keep on asking until you know exactly what your customers are looking for. Then present your product in terms of their values or needs and the sale is almost automatic.
  8. Being of service is one of the most rewarding and life-affirming activities you can do.
  9. If you don’t fill your garden with flowers, it fills up with weeds. If you don’t fill your life with what you love, it will fill up with what you don’t.
  10. You’re destined for greatness. It’s inevitable.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

The most important thing for Success.

You have attended a weekend workshop with Tony Robbins, you just did a fire walk. You are excited, waiting to go back to your life to implement this. You want to tell the whole world about it. 
 Two months later you are back to where you have started. You start looking for the next best thing in the world to change your life, another seminar, another bestselling book.... and  this experience keeps repeating and ends the same way.  If this is your experience then don't worry you are not alone. I and million others have been in your shoes.  
Statistic show that on an average, a new gym member shows up regularly only for the first two months. 
So what is the secret recipe for success? 
There was a highly evolved sage. He had many disciples and one day one of the disciples asked him “Master, we have heard you for many years, we have the knowledge, but yet we are unable to reach the goal. What is the secret " 

He looked at him deeply and said " Intensity; How bad do you want it"
We are naturally born to start things but need the extra hunger and intensity to complete any task.
Enjoy this video  

 Best Motivational Speech ~Secrets to Success, How Bad Do you Want it? {Full Speech}


Monday, 19 January 2015

How to stop screwing yourself over | Mel Robbins | TEDxSF

Are you afraid to take action?

Are you lazy to take action ?

Then this video is for you. Enjoy.

Mel Robbins is a married working mother of three, an ivy-educated criminal lawyer, and one of the top career and relationship experts in America. Widely respected for her grab-'em-by-the-collar advice and tough love, Robbins drills through the mental clutter that stands between people and what they want. Her approach is smart, effective and entertaining. Five days a week, Mel hosts her own syndicated radio show The Mel Robbins Show, discussing hot topics and giving advice to callers across America. She is starring in a new series, In-Laws, airing this summer on A&E. In addition, she writes a monthly column for Success Magazine, is a former CNBC contributor and is the co-founder of Advice for Living, Inc., which develops products and television programming with experts in the wellness, health, relationship and career categories.

Most nights, once the kids are in bed, you'll find Mel at home with a bourbon on the rocks and her Australian Shepherd at her feet, writing about life, love and everything else